Visit to the US Embassy in Ecuador

Mary, David Krupa (the Director of the Range of Motion Project who we're working with down here), and I visited the US Embassy in Ecuador today to demo our prosthetic hand today. Because computers and other electronic devices weren't allowed in the Embassy, we had to work hard in order to get everything working on the hand alone. Here's a video of us testing the hand last night in the hotel room with just open/close functionality:

We had to receive special permission to bring the prosthesis into the Embassy, where we met around 5 executives who had funded Mary and I to come down. It turns out we aptly chose the right coke bottle though because the name on it--Alexandra--is also the name of one of the embassy executives who brought us down. The demo was a success and we were able to show everyone just how our low-cost prosthetic hand could be controlled myoelectrically, even though it was only able to open and close. We weren't allowed to take pictures or video inside, but we plan on having a media/press event next Thursday where we will hopefully demonstrate more pattern recognition movements (e.g. three jaw-chuck and fine pinch) on a patient with a transradial ampuation.

Here are some videos of us failing: